Friday, April 06, 2007

So Sorry

"Why?" you may well ask. Could it be that I'm sorry for the multitude of sins I've thought and commited, or the plethora of good works lefts undone, or that I haven't blogged for a good while (shock horror). All these are perfectly legitimate things to be remorseful about, and which, by the way, I am; but no, the primary reason I am sorry is the way I've spoken, or rather, written about my Lord Saviour Jesus Christ.

I thought I was persuing truth in my unitarian endeavours, but no, I was merely reconstucted an idol so oft manufactured by the minds of mere men (women have more important and productive things to ponder) and had systematically blinded myself to the obvious, revealed perfection of God. I in my ignorance sought to put labels on God (those that know me know that I love categorization) on what He should be and so based my subsequent self made theology on this.

How can such a diverse and yet unified world stem from a simple (even if it was rather big) being? And how can love and hate, joy and sorrow, pleasure and pain be, if there was but one being of which these necessarily relational feelings could not exist, unless there were other beings (which would be polytheism). Are we to suggest that the Creation has more than the Creator? How could it be that a being in which no emotion, diversity or reason, would create something which is full of it. How could the Creation not be at odds with the Creator?

So many questions, all leading to the central reason of this post:

God is triune.

As much as it galls me to admit I'm wrong, I will. I am wrong. And it's so freeing!

Maybe later I'll submit more theological reasons, but this is right.