I had one of my creative spasms today; the result of which is the actualization of the above. It's a kind of image/vision I've had in my head for quite a while.
Note that it's in 1440x900 because that's what my monitor's resolution is.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
I made a piece of art!
Posted by Potentate Matt at 16:00
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Recommended Christian Music and Starving Dogs
Just want to recommend some random Christian tracks to you all!
They'll come thick and fast and in a variety of different styles and differing levels of cheesiness. So here we go!
Amy Grant - Lead Me On
Sounds very 90's ish, but it's a real fun track!
Newsboys - He Reigns
I had to have a friend tell me that this was quite cheesy, and I suppose "From the African plains" is quite a naff line. Nevertheless it is saved by the uplifting chorus and pre and post choruses. Best part of the song:
And all the powers of darkness,
Tremble at what they've just heard,
'cause all the powers of darkness,
Can't drown out a single word...
When all God's children sing out:Kathryn Scott - Hungry
Glory glory!
He reigns! He reigns!
This is probably the best personal worship song made, it's so frank and heartfelt. Makes a tear or two form everytime. Best line:
Jesus, You’re all this heart is living forRebecca St. James - Omega
May the grace of our Lord be with you,I don't know why that's so amazing, but it just is.
now and always may you stay,
blameless till he comes
May the love of our Lord be with you,
now and always may you stay,
blameless till he comes
Starfield - How Great Thou Art / Great Is The Lord
Good guitar hook (very simple but effective). I like how they used one of their own song's (Great Is The Lord) tune to put some lyrics to How Great Thou Art. I think it works rather well but was surprised when I thought that I wasn't getting the CD I paid for! (That's a whole different story, which I will probably go into on my geek profile
The Kry - Beautiful
Good guitar work in this; I say good, it sounds good but I can't play so I don't know if it's really simple to play or not. Anyway, it's a lot like a love song, but loses normal secularism when they sing:
No oneHillsong: United - Most High
No one else in all the Heavens
Can love me like you do
No one else can give to me
The gift of life
When I am so undeserving
You moved the world for me
Now I can see
That it's clear when I look in your eyes
Gotta have Hillsongs in any list of Christian songs. Just straight out praise. Woo yeah! Main lyrics include:
Put a new song in my mouth,Steven Curtis Chapman - Dive
Of praise to You,
And the world will see and fear Your name...
Worthy is the Lord,
Worthy is the Lord, Most High!
Another fun song, probably quite cheesy too! Good lyrics set to a bouncy 90's tune. Awesome.
I'm diving in I'm going deep in over my head I want to be
Caught in the rush lost in the flow in over my head I want to go
The rivers deep the rivers wide the rivers water is alive
So sink or swim I'm diving in
I can't imagine anyone has found this remotely useful... Oh well! I felt like wasting some time and diverting attention away from other, less beneficial activities.
Which reminds me! There was a good talk at my Christian Union this evening (didn't get to play the drums... bah!), and it basically boils down to this. There are kind of two natures inside you, like two dogs fighting each other all of the time; which one wins is ultimately down to us. "But which one will win?". The one we feed the most...
So! Feed the holy dog and starve out the sinful dog inside of you, so that we actually half-deserve the holy person that God is preparing in and for you.
I'm sorry about my awful grammar,overzealous full stop usage and incorrect semicolon usage; but it's just how my thoughts have come out
Posted by Potentate Matt at 00:38
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Monotheism and Tritheism equal?
I've been mulling this over and over in my mind, and just can't seem to get it. God is beyond my understanding (obviously) and I will never be able to work Him out. But yet I still try.
Anyway, my previous position seems wrong, I wish it wasn't because it kind of makes sense to me; but it just doesn't stand up to Biblical exegesis.
Basically, the Bible proves beyond doubt that Jesus is God. Not just in the New Testament either but in the Old too. You can dodge past most of the verses, saying that it addresses God in Jesus, not God Jesus; but some are unavoidable.
Isaiah 9:6-7
"For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and of peace there will be no end, on the throne of David and over his kingdom, to establish it and to uphold it with justice and with righteousness from this time forth and forevermore. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will do this."
Acts 3:14-15
"But you denied the Holy and Righteous One, and asked for a murderer to be granted to you, and you killed the Author of life, whom God raised from the dead. To this we are witnesses."
Besides loads of other references.
So where does this leave me? Lost and confused that's where. Jesus is God. Jesus prays to the Father. The Father is God. The Father sends the Spirit down to Earth. The Spirit is God.
Blatent Tritheism if you ask me, but if that's what the Bible says exists, then to logically be a Christian I'd have to accept this. It's very hard. It sounds too close to Tritheism to seem "right". The Trinity is stupidly easy to prove, once you know where to look. It just seems so opposite to Monotheism to be actually real... A funny thing which comes out of this is that we can address God as Them, since He uses the word "us" to reference Himself numerous times in Genesis if we assume that the us isn't referring to God and His angels.
I've heard the "buzzphrase" about the "One God in Three Persons". I don't have an issue with the existence of God, the existence of Jesus and the presence of God's spirit. It's just how they all fit together that's the puzzle.
No wonder theologians have been battling about this for literally centuries, both sides are equally provable, equally defensible and equally believable. Obviously for various different people. Who am I to step into this and try and set things right? I need to go to Bible college.
I'm sure it'll be all right in the end as long as we have faith in God, His life changing effects and following His and Jesus' will and fully trusting Him for salvation.
Posted by Potentate Matt at 00:17
Friday, September 08, 2006
Strict Monotheism vs Trinity
ForewordI have no logical structure to this post, but I will shuffle it around as I write it, and hopefully it will make some sort of literary sense.
I suggest a prayer to help you realise my angle on things, and not to just raise the armour of God and blank me out.
IntroductionAs some of you may or may not know, I am having issues with the christian view of God. Namely that God is one God but in three divine persons. I cannot reconcile monotheism (belief in one God) with christian trinitarianism (belief in one God in three persons). This will cause a stir within all Christian circles and would probably get me anathemitized from any Christian church. God gave us rational thought, I do not think that he asked us to disregard it when coming to something as vitally important like faith and belief; although Job was told to basically belt up when he questioned God. These are the basic tenets of trinitarian belief:
- Each member of the Trinity is fully God, but only the unity of them is God
- God is one God in three persons
- Jehovah is God, Father and Creator
- Jesus is God, the Son of God and Saviour of Creation
- Holy Spirit is God, impregnated Mary and dwells in all Christians
- Each member is distinct from each other, but share the same divine essence
- Father God, thank you for today and bless this food which we are about to eat. Amen.
- Lord Jesus, please forgive me. I have sinned terribly today as I have stolen three shekels and made bread on the Sabbath day. Amen.
- Holy Spirit, come upon us! Amen! *Commence frantic shaking and glossolalia*
Strict MonotheismThe rest of this blog is going to try and reason out each member of the trinity so that monotheism is maintained, the importance of Jesus is upheld and the fact of the Holy Spirit is described.
Jesus as the Son of God, not God the SonJesus, when he was alive and doing stuff (like healing, getting angry at the temple and other such fun activities) displayed no innate Godlike abilities. Now "abilities" ascribed to God include omnipotence (all powerful), omniscience (all knowing) and omnipresence (all present); otherwise God would not be God. Jesus was none of these things as the Bible mentions that Jesus was:
- not omnipotent - Mark 6:4-6 "But Jesus, said unto them, A prophet is not without honour, but in his own country, and among his own kin, and in his own house. And he could there do no mighty work, save that he laid his hands upon a few sick folk, and healed them. And he marvelled because of their unbelief. And he went round about the villages, teaching."
- not omniscient - Matthew 24:35,36 "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away. But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only."
- not all present - Jesus was one individual with a limited sphere of influence in His ministry
- not God
- John 1:18 - "No man hath seen God at any time, the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him." (If Jesus was God, then the disciples would have seen God)
- Mark 10:18 - "And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God." (If Jesus was as good as God, there would be no need for this apparent chastisement of the rich man)
- Mark 14:36 - "And he said, Abba, Father, all things are possible unto thee; take away this cup from me: nevertheless not what I will, but what thou wilt." (Jesus is asking God to take away the cup of suffering prepared for Him, God would not argue with Himself (since the Trinity is supposedly a perfect three way relationship with all parts mutually supporting the others))
- Psalm 110 - "The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool." (notice capitalization; if they were equal, both would be LORD)
- John 1:18 - "No man hath seen God at any time, the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, he hath declared him." (If Jesus was God, then the disciples would have seen God)
- His name ¨Immanuel¨ meaning God with us, means that God is not against us anymore, since He has sent His Son to die for us
Christians may rush to John's Gospel to defend their idea of God the Son, and usually the best verse from it is John 10:30 "I and the Father are one". It is good to read on through John 17:20-26. Now is this verse suggesting that we are all to become part of the Holy Trinity, since Jesus is one with God, and He prays for all believers to be one in God as well?
Another port of call is John 1 in the introduction of the Word. Trinitarians describe this as the 2nd Person of the Godhead Trinity, who becomes God incarnate in Jesus Christ. A way which maintains strict monotheism without doing what the JWs do (add a few words here and there to support their big God small god doctrines) or what liberal Christians do (pick 'n' mix Bible, or in some cases absolutely refuse to be corrected by the word of God), is proposed here:
The Word is God's plan of salvation for humankind.
- John 1:1 - When the Word is described as being God, it could mean that it belongs to God
- John 1:2 - God had the plan from the beginning, it wasn't suddenly cooked up because things didn't go the way He wanted
- John 1:3 - Without the plan, there would be no point in creation if there was no hope
- John 1:9 - When the Word becomes flesh, the plan of salvation is embodied in Jesus
The Holy Spirit as God's personal spirit not as a distinct entityThe Holy Spirit appears in Genesis 1 as the hovering Spirit of God, and numerous points in the NT as a dove or as the Holy Spirit. But this could be described as God's personal spirit presence on earth, there is no need for a "third person" of the Trinity. Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit would therefore be blasphemy against God since it is His spirit, and not a part of God or the third person of the Trinity.
Also, the spirit of God is not some sort of Star Wars force like some New Age religions and the Jehovah's Witnesses believe; it is God's personal spirit presence here on Earth, like when He appeared to Moses on Mount Sinai amidst fire and smoke.
- Exodus 19:17-25 - And Moses brought forth the people out of the camp to meet with God; and they stood at the nether part of the mount. And mount Sinai was altogether on a smoke, because the LORD descended upon it in fire: and the smoke thereof ascended as the smoke of a furnace, and the whole mount quaked greatly. And when the voice of the trumpet sounded long, and waxed louder and louder, Moses spake, and God answered him by a voice. And the LORD came down upon mount Sinai, on the top of the mount: and the LORD called Moses up to the top of the mount; and Moses went up.
- Exodus 33:14 - And he said, My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest.
Scriptural Problems with Strict MonotheismProblems include Matthew's baptismal formula, the three witnesses in Heaven and places where Peter mentions Jesus as God and the Saviour. The formula problem is allegedly a passage added by trinitarians to support their view after the Council of Nicaea; the same explanation goes for the witnesses; and the Peter reference can be "solved" with the addition of a comma after God (commas weren't used in Hebrew/Greek scriptures since the meaning is obtained through the words alone; whereas commas are needed in english since it refines the writer's thoughts and intentions).
Another problem is that in the Old Testament, God seems to use the "royal we" when seemingly refering to Himself (Creation, The Fall, Tower of Bable, Sending of Isaiah) . This can be explained by the fact he was talking to His angels. I do not want to rip off someone's work and claim it as my own, because that's what I'd basically be doing if I just reiterated his explanation here, so I have provided the link below to his essay.
Before trinitarians think I'm making the above up, I give the following 3rd party links:
This will be an ongoing journey which I, and doubtless many others, will carry on with. I just pray that God will show me or tell me what is right.
SummaryMy own thoughts and limited research on this subject have lead me to believe that trinitarianism or nontrinitarianism are not salvation affecting doctrines, but very difficult ones to prove either way nonetheless. My views of Jehovah, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are summed up in this small list
- Jehovah is God, Father and Creator and totally worthy of all worship
- Jesus is God's Son, Saviour of Creation, and it is because of Him that the world had a reason to exist. Praise offered to Him glorifies the Father in Heaven since in effect it praises God for sending Jesus to save us all. Faith and following the example of Christ is what brings us salvation, trusting in God and His Son for life both here and after
- The Holy Spirit is God's personal spirit presence in the world, not a separate person of God
If this was a salvation affecting doctrine, it would turn God into a petty and unrealistic God. Only God can comprehend God (which is also an argument Trinitarians use when they're pressed) and so ANY description which our minds can make up is wrong; be it a Monotarian, Binatarian or Trinitarian view of what God is. Age of a view of God is no qualifier, since Hindus have been around for far longer than any religion, and they're polytheistic.
Posted by Potentate Matt at 02:31
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
I believe that God has placed a plan within me, which Ephesians 4:12-14 sums up quite nicely:
"To equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ, so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes."
My feelings and thoughts make me want to see the whole of Christendom united under one banner, weeding out all the manmade barriers, false teachings and doctrines and providing the best possible organizational witness to the unchristian masses.
This all sounds well and good but I believe that it can be done. I don't believe that God has had any role in dividing the church against itself and taking glory away from Him; it's just humans being petty and self seeking. I believe that men in power have sought to glorify themselves (e.g. Joseph Smith claimed new revelation which goes totally against the Bible, Charles Taze Russel claimed all of Christianity was basically a farce and only JWs have it right) and in doing so have schismed away from the faith, creating endless denominations. In other words, all these denominations are man-made and hence can be man-unmade.
This is a mammoth task; if I start but end up dying before its completion, someone else can take my place (I pray they do). This is why I try to learn as much as possible about the various Christian sects and denominations; I am trying to find the bits of truth present in each and hopefully come up with the most true and logical theology (whoever heard of three being one, each seperate yet fully one; what a load of mystical gibberish [sorry that will be a mini rant for later]).
I want to go to Bible College but I can't see how I can, since I have no money and my Dad and Local Education Authority probably would not pay any fees or support me going to one. I shall have to stick to self teaching, which is alright but nowhere near enough for what I need.
Of course I don't want to start my own denomination off, (lol that would be funny) but a movement of this kind would be fine.
Most of the groundwork has been done, in the guise of various apologetics written by each sect in defence of its practices and beliefs . It's just synthesizing them that's the problem...
Christians are welcome to intercede on my behalf, in fact please do.
Sorry to the nonchristians and the sunday Christians who don't actually care what I said above.
Posted by Potentate Matt at 02:16
Saturday, June 10, 2006
This was a brilliant concert!
If anyone went, comment!
It was a big Christian concert held in Edinburgh on the 10th of June from 12 noon 'til 10 at night!!! Awesome worshippage was had by all. God was left in no doubt who was Lord that day . (Cough, Hillsong, cough)
David Crowder Band
Bands included the awesome Starfield, the absolutely brilliant David Crowder Band, the beautiful and loud Kendall Payne as well as Christian mainstream such as Delirious, Hillsong United and Tim Hughes. Of course there were others, but I forget their names
Hillsongs United
Getting there was quite weird. I had to catch a national express bus from Carlisle at 04:30 in the morning, my dad drove me there in recorrd time, I was slightly late getting up . I arrived in Edinburgh at 07:30. I then milled around the terminus, lost for a bit until I decided that asking the information desk would be a stellar idea. I then wondered outside after procuring the information needed to speed me on my way to the venue. Caught the airport shuttle bus to Ingliston and then walked for about 15 minutes towards frenzy.
At this point it was about 08:30, with 3 and a bit hours to go until the gates opened to the Christian masses, I had serious time to burn. Luckily there was a small hotel next to the venue, so I went in and asked and got a breakfast. It was about to get better though, as I met a fair few band members there. I met the whole of David Crowder Band (awesome bunch) and their road managers, Shaun the vocalist/bassist from Starfield and Mark the vocalist/guitarist from Verra Cruz. I didn't get pictures with those two though , I forgot to ask. Still I met them and that's all that matters
David Crowder Band and I
So I had eaten my breakfast (which cost an extortionate �11.50, so I ate my fill of "free" grapefruit), and spent about 2 hours waiting outside the gate; whereupon a group of girls befriended me since I was on my own. Yay! Hurry for Americans and South Africans. Lindsey and Susie are two of the girls who have myspace so naturally they're on my profile. w00t.
Ahhhh wish I was back there again!!
Posted by Potentate Matt at 16:06
Monday, May 22, 2006
Weird, very surreal but lucid dream
I had a dream...
I don't often have dreams this vivid but this is the first time I've written it down.
I had to camp out on this very very windy mountainside in an alcove in the mountain. The wind was howling like mad. I struggled to keep all my stuff together because all my stuff was blowing everywhere. Some walker couple came past and he asked "You looking for something mate? You won't find anything here". I replied "No I'm just trying to get all my stuff together". He laughed and they carried on. I eventually managed to get it all together somewhat and found a nice not-as-windy corner. It was still blazing sunlight (or some sort of bright light) and I then slept for a bit in the dream, safe and warm in my black arctic sleeping bag (which I don't have in real life).
I "woke up" on the previous day before I went camping and I was asking someone how far the sea went up to the alcove (which was now a sea cave), he said all the way to the walls of the alcove. I then discussed with some women at a garage about how it went all the way to the roof. She was quite short sighted and asked if I looked attractive so she could introduce me to her daughter (?!). Then red wine was handed out and I talked about how I used to water it down to make it last longer (which I never have), there was a mixture of disbelief and "I do that too" from the gathered people. Some of the people I recognized from my old Whitehaven school...
I then went into the building which now kind of resembled a cross between the entrance to Hensingham Church and the a Post Office. I there met Katie Green from Keswick School (whom I haven't met for going on 4 years now) and her made up boyfriend (I eventually asked his name and was called Daniel) and wondered around with my mum, Ross (it may have been, but not sure who it was) and Katie looking for stuff.
I found this wooden puzzle cube and attempted to do it (since I'd had one before in real life and had memorized how to do it) but couldn't, at this point Nick came in and said "Give it here". I gave it to him and he promptly mashed it together and it broke. The cube (or what what left of it) had transformed into those little rubber puzzle pieces you use to make those small cubes in his hands. All the bits where broken on the floor so Nick and I picked them all up. We put them in this black velvet bag a shop assistant held out and were told rather sternly that we'd have to pay for it. Katie by this point had wondered over to the Post Office section.
So we went to customer services we were asked if we had clubcards. The assistant was a rather bitchy blonde girl. I said that Nick didn't so she turned to me and demanded my clubcard, I got confused since I didn't have one. Mum saved the day by giving hers. The assistant spat out the words "That's 17 pounds 95 for the broken merchandise" and smirked at us. Nick couldn't believe it and said "WHAT?! £17.95?!!?". "Yeh" she retorted. She was quite insulting so I started doing impressions of her and saying "Mong" at which point she called security. I glanced over at Katie and she was still at the Post Office. We all acted civilised and acted as if we were just waiting. Eventually this security guard (he looked like an atypical new york cop, complete with shirt and brown trousers, some coffee stains and a world weary face) came over and asked the assistant if we were southerners. "Nope we're northeners" I said. "What? Really? What part of the north?". "North west, Cumbria". The security guard said something unintelligible, so I said "pardon?", again I couldn't make out what he said. "Sorry could you say that again please?". "Could you not afford a proper holiday, and just came here?". "What? No we're just here to see friends". "Ok, well, don't get into any more trouble" and he left us.
I reunited with Katie and co and lost my mum, Nick and Ross, and went outside whereupon...
I woke up on a slightly different mountain alcove and had a view of the sky. I was on the phone to Jenni discussing how Daniel might be related to Emma (Ross' girlfriend) and that they had the same surname at one time but both had changed it. It got quite in depth and I can't remember how the conversation went. I then babbled about how the clouds were moving quite fast and kind of looked like black poodles (which they did, all black and fluffy). It was really weird, blue sky and small black clouds moving really fast. The scene faded and...
I woke up in a cross between the sea cave and the mountain alcove. I was trapped by the incoming tide in this cave. I checked at the mouth of the cave but it had been blocked by loads of sediment and rocks. I slowly walked backwards thinking "I'm going to die here, I'm actually going to drown!!!" and started to panic. I ripped off most of my heavy layers and started breathing deeply and fast and considered digging my way out through the sediment, when suddenly I spotted a wire fence to the left which led to the outside. I prayed "Thank you Jesus, thanks so much!!" which any sane person would. I scrambled out to check if there was enough time to save all my stuff. I managed to save 3 backpacks (one of which was ross' schoolbag) and two hiking rucksacks. some stuff had dropped in the water so I swam around trying to grab it. I grabbed my badminton racket and tried to grab two wooden tennis rackets using the badminton racket to nudge them closer. Didn't work. So I surfaced and hauled my stuff further inland, thankful I was alive.
I then heard a baby crying and dived back in. The cave had disappeared, replaced with a steep shoreline. I swam as fast as I could towards the baby, which was miraculously managing to cry out underwater. It was still in it's pram. I forced air into it and swam towards the surface. I managed to save it and began to wonder where it came from. I ran along the shoreline road and got faster and faster until I was riding a motor bike, I saw a mother with a double pram with a seat empty dialling on her mobile (supposedly for the emergency services, but she didn't seem to be too concerned) so I gave the baby back to her. She didn't seem that grateful so I continued along the road. For some reason my view zoomed out to show a view of Portugal all the way to Italy with flashing dots. It kind of looked like the Iberian peninsula but wasn't, but I knew it was of those two countries.
I was going along the dual carriageway (with no opposite carriageway) which resembled the one on the way to that Penrith place, Rheged. There were lots of cars and coned off places which I managed to ride around. I slowed down and realized that I didn't have any of my stuff. So I turned round and started to go back and thought "Damn my stuff's miles away, I don't want to have to go all that way back". Then I spotted my stuff in a grass clearing and presumed God must've moved it there for my convenience, again I thanked Him. I then proceeded to try and pack all my stuff into a rather nice looking white travel suitcase. I say try because some people began to walk over my bags and other stuff. I wasn't really that bothered.
I may have dreamt more, but it wasn't as vivid as the rest so has faded into nothing
I think I then woke up for real, dazed at the intensity of this dream and how it still lingers after half an hour of trying to get it down. I'm still going backwards and forwards adding bits I remember.
Posted by Potentate Matt at 11:44